Sunday, September 4, 2011

Best Fast Food Sonoma Chicken Coop Restaurant in Almaden

Filed under Chicken Coop Restaurant. There are methods for building chicken coops that will do the job intended and help you build chicken coops fast. It is important to get it right so you can have happy backyard chooks from the start that won’t go off laying eggs for months at a time.

The Almaden Sonoma Chicken Coop is the best fast food restaurant in San Jose Ca.  The reason we say this is that you get a high quality meal (the kind that take 20 minutes to cook in any other restaurant) cooked to perfection in  seven minutes or less. The ability to do this took many years of operation to perfect.

The challenge was how do you create fresh, nutritious, un-processed food with no additives in a very fast and timely manner?  The obvious first part of the formula was to set up the kitchen using the latest and most advanced cooking stations that money could buy.  Next up was staffing the restaurant with high quality people.  To do this right we needed to hire a chef who understood the business model we were proposing and knew where the key players were to help us achieve our goal of having the best restaurant in the Silicon Valley.  The Chef we chose had many years of experience in all kinds of cooking environments and he also had a rolodex of names that we could call upon to help us fill the jobs that needed to be filled in the almaden catering services restaurant, which were many.  The next challenge for our lead chef was training our cooking staff. This job requires patience and leadership and knowing that the people that we have hired will all work as a team and take pride in knowing that they are a part of something that is really special. Our management philosophy requires that our mangers are teachers and leaders and do their utmost to empower their staff.  When you go that extra step to reward with positive reinforcement you get loyalty in return. We did not want a best family restaurant that had a reputation of having a revolving door of unhappy personal , as that is a sure fire way to put yourself out of business early and you certainly will not create the best restaurant in San Jose .

We also needed to find a procurement specialist who knew the ins and outs of vendor relationships and who knew how to get the vendors to understand what we were trying to do.  We needed just in time fresh food product. We did not want to take in large quantities of food and have it sit for one extra minute of time as that would lessen the quality of our food.  So we basically had to bend our vendor’s mindset into understanding that we were doing something special and that it would require a little more dedication on their part then they were use to providing the average restaurant operation.  Once we got a melding of minds on our philosophy the vendors found out that the extra effort on their part would pay off in steady business that continues to grow on a daily basis.  They knew that our success would result in the opening of more restaurants and that we could all enjoy the fruits of our labor together.

Today we enjoy a great relationship with our vendors and in turn we get the best quality food at really good pricing. For us this is key because now we can pass that great relationship to our customers in the form of great food at a fair price making us the Sonoma chicken catering menu best restaurant in San Jose.

Brooke Thom is an Author for Sonoma chicken coop Almaden The best restaurant Almaden. Sonoma Chicken Coop Almaden refers to Catering Businesses, best almaden restaurant, Best family restaurant Almaden Catering, Almaden Catering Supplies, Catering lunch menu.

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Chicken Coop Restaurant

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